Try Our Service Area / Coverage Map Widget
Enter an address to see the essential features of the widget. Try "New York City", any Manhattan ZIP code, or "Toronto, Canada" to see examples of 'we serve this area' results. Negative results can be customized with messages, buttons or automated redirects.
Choose the perfect display format for your requirements - an interactive coverage map, a simple address lookup tool, or combine both to visualize results.
Define your service areas by drawing on a map or adding existing boundaries.
Beautiful map styles to choose from - from default color schemes to custom brand color matched styles.
Add custom text, links, buttons and other fields to display unique information for each service area.
Add customizable action buttons like "Book Now" or "More Info" to each service area, directing users to specific pages or triggering relevant actions.
Set up automatic actions like redirects or custom messages based on location results. Developers can also tie into events to trigger custom functions.